Palestine and the Arab World: A Relationship in Crisis?

Palestine and the Arab World: A Relationship in Crisis?

Date and time: August 27, 2020, 4 pm Arabia Standard Time (UTC+3)

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  • Ibrahim Fraihat, associate professor of international conflict resolution, Doha Institute for Graduate Studies
  • Nour Odeh, political analyst and public diplomacy consultant
  • Shibley Telhami, Anwar Sadat Professor for Peace and Development, University of Maryland

Online Moderator: Omar H. Rahman, visiting fellow, Brookings Doha Center

For more than 60 years, the centrality of the Palestinian cause to the Arab world was without dispute, capturing the hearts and minds of people throughout the region and commanding the support of their governments. Today, however, this position has eroded and more Arab countries are pursuing enhanced relations with Israel despite its continued occupation and settlement of Palestine. This month, the United Arab Emirates announced it would establish official ties with Israel, and other countries are reportedly considering following suit. These developments beg the question: What has happened to Palestine’s place in the region and its relationships to regional allies?

The Brookings Doha Center invites you to attend a webinar on Palestine and the Arab world, which will consider the current state of relations and what it means for the Palestinian liberation movement today and in the future. The discussion will address questions such as: How and why have relations arrived at this point? How has Palestine’s diplomacy evolved and how adeptly has its leadership navigated the changing geopolitics of the region? What roles have been played by other countries – such as Egypt, Jordan, and the United States – and by the Palestinian diaspora? And what will the end of Oslo and the possibility of Israeli annexation mean for the region’s future?

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Kindly note that there is a maximum capacity to join this webinar

The discussion will include a question and answer session.

All attendees will have the chance to submit questions via the Q&A option in the Zoom webinar and these can be submitted anonymously during the time allocated for Q&A.

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