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Understanding Ever Growing Antisemitism and Conspiracy Theories

Understanding Ever Growing Antisemitism and Conspiracy Theories

Tue, May 4, 2021 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM Pacific Daylight Time (UTC-7)

Tickets ($40) here.

Join thought leaders and rabbis for weekly explorations of the present and future of Jewish life, engage and share your insight.

About this Event

Note: This is a 90-minute lecture running on Tuesday, 5/4/21 @ 2pm-3:30pm PDT. Upon completed registration, your Zoom invitation will be emailed to you 7 days prior to the start time.

Join the first ever AJU Scholars Symposium, dedicated to analyzing the changing nature of Jewish life before, during and after the global pandemic. You are invited to join this weekly intimate, unparalleled intellectual exploration as an active participant, where you will observe, discuss, review, and share feedback on the materials presented by AJU scholars and their guests. Each week, Prof. Michael Berenbaum will moderate a session by different scholars, who will present papers on a diverse set of topics.

This week, Professor Michael Berenbaum and Dr. Susan Kapitanoff will consider what will happen to resurgent antisemitism and diverse conspiracy theories in the post-COVID era. Professor Berenbaum will consider what is unique about contemporary antisemitism, which is not “your father’s” antisemitism – and how the COVID epidemic and crises that followed – health, economic, social justice, and leadership – exacerbate the fragile state of intergroup relations and fuel white supremacy in the United States. Dr. Kapitanoff will examine some of the social-psychological factors that lead people to believe in conspiracy theories, touch on some of the current conspiracy theories related to the COVID crises and vaccinations and present some suggestions on how to counteract them.

Spaces to each session are extremely limited to give ample opportunity for discussion, so we encourage you to enroll today to participate in this premier opportunity.

May 4th Presenters:

Professor Michel Berenbaum, Director of the Sigi Ziering Institute, American Jewish University

Professor. Susan Kapitanoff, Professor Emeritus of Psychology American Jewish University

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